
Recognition of Prior Learning

RPL Applications for Second Winter 2025 NOW OPEN!

We are now accepting RPL applications for courses scheduled to begin between March 3 and April 17.  Please note the following important information:

  • Applications for credit transfer/equivalency will only be accepted for courses scheduled to begin in the last 7 weeks of the Winter 2025 term.   The deadline is 4 p.m. AST on Thursday March 13th.
  • IMPORTANT: If you previously completed courses at 91探花 that have the same code as courses required in your current program, you do not need to apply for credit transfer. Instead, please contact the Administrative Assistant in your school.

    Before you apply: Please read the Top 10 RPL Guidelines
  • To apply for credit transfer/equivalency, .
  • NEW: RPL applications based on non-formal/experiential learning submitted on or after August 1, 2024, must include an RPL Equivalency (EQ) Portfolio. Refer to the RPL Credit Equivalency Portfolio page for details and instructions.
  • For the best experience, use a laptop or desktop computer to submit your application (mobile phones and tablets are not recommended).
  • You must submit a SEPARATE application form for EACH 91探花 course you are seeking credit for. If you use one form to apply for credit toward more than one 91探花 course, your application will be rejected.
  • If you have failed an 91探花 course and wish to apply for pre-approval, please talk to your Co-ordinating Instructor or another student advisor about your options.
  • Not sure how to apply? Follow our step-by-step instructions about how to submit an RPL application (pdf).
  • Have more questions? Check out the FAQs or send your question to the RPL Office using the Questions? Ask Us contact form.
  • Don’t forget to check out these additional features in the :
    • Search for previously evaluated courses to see if your course has been approved for credit in the past. Search for previously evaluated courses using the Evaluated Courses Master List.
    • View your 91探花 course profiles to understand the learning outcomes for your courses ().
    • Find your program delivery sequence to see which courses you are scheduled to take each term ().
    • Check the status of your RPL application by viewing your open requests.

At 91探花, we recognize that learning happens inside and outside the classroom. Our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program allows you to gain credit for the learning you already possess. You may have taken many different paths to develop this learning, from formal coursework at other post-secondary institutions to informal workshops and seminars, on-the-job training, work experience, volunteerism, military service or family commitments. No matter how or where you gained your experience, RPL provides a way for you to demonstrate your learning and receive formal credit for it.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Values

The RPL Team operates with a culture of respect, transparency, and accountability and is committed to continuously improving processes and services. Diverse forms of learning are valued and assessments are based on the learning achieved, not the individual or where the learning occurred. By acknowledging diversity, embracing inclusivity, and rejecting biases we reduce institutional barriers and facilitate academic and career success for students.

There are two ways you can be awarded credit towards your program at 91探花:

  • Credit Transfer (CR): You may earn credit for courses you previously completed at a recognized post-secondary institution if the learning matches at least 80% of the competencies, scope, depth, and level of learning required for the respective 91探花 course and you achieved a minimum grade of 60%.
  • Credit Equivalency (EQ): You may earn credit for learning you gained from work or life experience, volunteerism, self-directed study, military service, on-the-job training, workshops, or seminars. The learning you achieved must match at least 80% of the competencies, scope, depth, and level of learning required in the respective 91探花 course.

There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Questions? Ask Us